vendredi 27 février 2015

Python error: EOL while scanning string literal

Some background information

I am using SQLite to access a database and retrieve the desired information. I'm using ElementTree in Python version 2.6 to create an XML file with that information.


Here is the code I'm using to create an XML file from the database schema. I've denoted the location the error occurs with a comment.

import sqlite3
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

db = sqlite3.connect("dataload.db")
root = ET.Element("databaseConfiguration")

software_attributes = ["id", "functionalDesignationHardware", "hwfin", "identname", "partnumber",
"repfin", "targetHardwareID"]

software = db.cursor().execute("SELECT %s from SOFTWARE_" % ", ".join([i + "_" for i in software_attributes]))
software_Data = software.fetchall()
for sw in software_Data:
sw_node = ET.SubElement(root, "Software")
for i in range(1, len(software_attributes)):
sw_node.set(software_attributes[i], str(sw[i]))

target_attributes = ["id", "functionalDesignationSoftware", "installscriptpathname", "ata", "status",
"swfin", "targetOSFC", "timestamp"]

tree = ET.ElementTree(root)

from xml.dom import minidom
print minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(root)).toprettyxml(indent = " ")

## The error pops up at this line (when trying to generate the XML) ##


How do I fix this error? I've seen some other questions where quotes had to be added or edited - do I need to do something similar, and how?



Everything but the tree.write("New_Database.xml") line works as expected for my purposes (so far).

Please let me know if you wish for me to provide any more information.


Thanks in advance!

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