jeudi 30 juillet 2015

How to update only first row in SQlite DB which contains certain value?

My little problem is: I have SQLite DB in my app, which contains parameters of cards such as cardInBaseID(not id of a row), cardName, cardValue etc. Now my DB has different cards which have cardInBaseID = 0 ; I want to find first row in DB which contains cardInBaseId = 0 , and update this value only for this row, not for all. How i can to this?

My method updateID works incorrect and update all rows which contains cardInBaseID=0:

public int updateID(String id ,String newID){
    SQLiteDatabase db =helper.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues cv=new ContentValues();
    String[] whereArgs ={id};
    int count=db.update(helper.TABLE_NAME,cv,helper.KEY_CARD_IN_BASE_ID+" =? ",whereArgs);
    return count;

Thanks for help

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