mercredi 1 juillet 2015

Bad SQLITE update Performance

I am fairly new in SQL(now working on SQLITE application) and it is a section in my app when i try this piece of Code:

public void addSong(LibrarySong song){

    for(int i=0; i<intoPanel.getComponentCount(); i++)  //Check if doublicates exist


    //Add the song to the database table
        Container.DataBase.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO '"
                + Container.libWindow.libInfoWindow.currentLib.getName()+ "'"   //Table Name
                + " (PATH,STARS,DATE,HOUR) VALUES ('"
                + song.getName() + "'," + song.stars + ",'"
                + song.dateCreated + "','" + song.hourCreated + "')").executeUpdate();
    }catch(SQLException sql){ sql.printStackTrace(); };

The Problem: The above method just add the song to a Jtable and then to database table.The problem is that the performance is too bad for the database.Why might this happen? i use the statement somewhere wrong or i have to to the update with different way?Thanks for reply.

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