mercredi 1 juillet 2015

Common database framework between Android application and desktop tool

I have an Android app which uses a local SQLite database. The app can manipulate the data with ease using the native SQLite library.

I also have a desktop tool made in Java in order to perform some actions to the database effortlessly (like inserting data from the web as rows to the local db) using SQLite4Java. The problem is the fragmentation between the two applications and how could I keep the schema and most of the functionality common. What I did was that I created a module with all the common functionality like an interface for the schema, the database and a superclass the object where it would be mapped but even that left a lot of fragmentation and if I for example added a column lots of things would have to change.

My question is, is there a way to build a common framework for SQLite database management between Android and desktop or even if such a framework already exists?

Thus far I have found OrmLite which looks promising, is there any other frameworks with possibly better performance and preferably using an object oriented way?

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