jeudi 2 juillet 2015

Is there a simple way to JOIN tables from an SQLite repository?

I am working on a program to manage my personal finances. I have an SQLite database that is storing all of the data, and I am able to load/save accounts, bills, payments, etc.

What I am looking to do, is load the account name of the associated account based on the PayeeId of each Payment. I know how to achieve this using SQL, but my data is set up using repositories. For example, I load the Payments by calling

var payments = await _paymentsRepository.LoadAllAsync();

And the LoadAllAsync() method is in RepositoryBase class, and looks like so:

public async Task<IEnumerable<TTable>> LoadAllAsync()
    var query = _sqliteService.Conn.Table<TTable>();
    var array = (await query.ToListAsync()).ToArray();

    return array;

and is declared in the IPaymentsRepository interface like so:

Task<IEnumerable<Payment>> LoadAllAsync();

Each Payment object has a PayeeId property that links to the Payee for that Payment. The Payment itself doesn't store any of the other information about the Payee, but I would like to be able to load the PayeeName property to display with the Payment information. Is there a simple way to do this, or will I have to create a separate ViewModel to store the "hybrid" data containing both the Payment information as well as the Payee information?

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