mercredi 1 juillet 2015

SQLalchemy error for Sqlite DB when I compiled my python script with py2exe

I wrote a script manipualting sqlite db inside by using sqlalchemy interface. It works fine if I run this as a python script. however, when I compile it with py2exe and run the resulting .exe file, it raises eror and says the following;

File "sqlalchemy\engine\__init__.pyo", line 386, in create_engine
  File "sqlalchemy\engine\strategies.pyo", line 51, in create
  File "sqlalchemy\engine\url.pyo", line 131, in _get_entrypoint
  File "sqlalchemy\util\langhelpers.pyo", line 205, in load
sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:sqlite

Any pointer for the solution ?

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