jeudi 2 juillet 2015

sqlite query unsorted result

I have list of Ids 31165,31160,31321,31322,31199,31136 which is dynamic.When I run query select id,name from master_movievod where id in(31165,31160,31321,31322,31199,31136);,I get following result

31136|Independence Day 31160|Planet of the Apes 31165|Mrs. Doubtfire 31199|Moulin Rouge 31321|Adult Movie 2 31322|Adult Movie 3. This is sorted list in ascending order.I want the list in the same order which I give as input.means

31165|Mrs. Doubtfire 31160|Planet of the Apes 31321|Adult Movie 2 31322|Adult Movie 3 31199|Moulin Rouge 31136|Independece Day

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