mercredi 1 juillet 2015

SQLLITEDATABASE crash-oncreate not called ? db.getreadabledatabase/getwritabledatabase crash

I'm a beginner at android and sqllite as well. I have been trying to build a database which retrieves and shows entries like items ,price and time, Ive looked through the all the other topics but i just cant seem to find why does it crash.. Ive tried a LOT of ways to make it work but this is the code im trying to use

public class data extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static final String DATABASE_NAME ="items.db";
private static final String t="database created";
    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION=1;
Context ct;
SQLiteDatabase db;
    public data (Context ctx) {
        super(ctx, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db)
    {db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE  record (_id primary key autoincrement,TIME text,ITEM text,TYPE text,AMT text)");
        int duration = Toast.LENGTH_LONG;
        Toast toast = Toast.makeText(ct, t, duration);;

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db,int oldVersion,int newVersion)


here is the class which I use to run the data class object

public class mainscreen extends Activity {
    private data Data;
    private static String[] cols={"_id","TIME","ITEM","TYPE","AMT"};
    private static String ORDER_BY = TIME + "DESC";
    private static int[] TO={,,,,};
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      Data = new data(this);


public void tryit(View view)
time t=new time();
data test =new data(this);

           add(t.tostring(),"tomato", "200", "Food");

   //Cursor cursor = getd();
   // show(cursor);

private void add(String t,String item, String price,String type) {
     SQLiteDatabase db = Data.getWritableDatabase();

    db.execSQL("insert into "+TABLE_NAME+" values(null,'" + t + "','" + item + "','" + type + "','" + price + "')");


As of now Im simply trying to get the database to show some entries i add using add(); 1.It does not seem to run OnCreate at all with the Data class,(i used toast to try and see if the oncreate runs at all) 2.trying to use a SQLLITEDatabase object for getreadabledatabase/getwritabledatabase causes a crash 3.Even the simple execSQL("create******") method above is causing a crash. 4.The worst part is it ACTUALLY worked 2-3 times yesterday.It showed me 5-8 entries using the listview just as I wanted.and is crashing now sob . I just cant seem to find the problem!!

Im not too sure how to get a stackdump/trace so if needed please tell me how to get it . If anyone could tell me what Im doing wrong. Ive marked out the cursor/adapters as theres no point getting that to work if the database doesnt work

I use tryit() by a button to start the insert...and it crashes at SQLiteDatabase db = Data.getWritableDatabase(); I think the whole problem is because for some reason the database is not getting created , but even using the plain db.execSQL statement whether in onCreate or by using a db object in data class and execsql at constructor crashes the app.

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