samedi 31 octobre 2015

Django-cms 1.7.10 "OperationalError - no such column" after migration

So I know there are already a ton of questions by people who changed a model and then failed to apply the migration to their database. However, in my case, I know for a fact that the migration was applied, as I can see the new table data.

Basically, I installed django-cms, and then I added a field to the djangocms_column plugin's to allow me to add a Bootstrap class name to my columns (e.g. col-md-4, col-md-6, etc.).

if hasattr(settings, "COLUMN_CLASS_CHOICES"):
        ('col-md-1', _("col-md-1")),
        ('col-md-2', _("col-md-2")),
        ('col-md-3', _('col-md-3')),
        ('col-md-4', _("col-md-4")),
        ('col-md-5', _('col-md-5')),
        ('col-md-6', _("col-md-6")),
        ('col-md-7', _('col-md-7')),
        ('col-md-8', _('col-md-8')),
        ('col-md-9', _('col-md-9')),
        ('col-md-10', _('col-md-10')),
        ('col-md-11', _('col-md-11')),
        ('col-md-12', _('col-md-12')),
        ('', _('none')),


class Column(CMSPlugin):
    A Column for the MultiColumns Plugin

    width = models.CharField(_("width"), choices=WIDTH_CHOICES, default=WIDTH_CHOICES[0][0], max_length=50)

    This is the new field:
    bs_class = models.CharField(_("bs_class"), choices=CLASS_CHOICES, default=CLASS_CHOICES[0][0], max_length=50)

    def __str__(self):
        return u"%s" % self.get_width_display()

I then ran ./ makemigrations and then ./ migrate, and now the table looks like this:

sqlite> select * from djangocms_column_column;
cmsplugin_ptr_id  bs_class    width     
----------------  ----------  ----------
3                 col-md-1    33%       
5                 col-md-1    33%       
7                 col-md-1    33%       
19                col-md-1    33%       
21                col-md-1    33%       
23                col-md-1    33% 

Yet when I try to access the test server, I still get the following error:

OperationalError at /en/
no such column: djangocms_column_column.bs_class
Request Method: GET
Request URL:    http://localhost:8000/en/
Django Version: 1.7.10
Exception Type: OperationalError
Exception Value:    
no such column: djangocms_column_column.bs_class

And, yes, I've tried deleting the database and running ./ migrate, but the site still displays the same error. Is there a special migration procedure one must use to modify plugins installed in the ./env/lib/python2.7/site-packages folder?

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