samedi 30 mai 2015

Check if int from database string is equal to certain value

I want to check if a Database variable has the value 5 and then change an image. The Log.d I do before I check with my if statment gives me the value 5 and the headline I want to check for, so the Data is in the Database. But my if-statement is not executed, "Done" is not logged and the image is not changed. Maybe I am using a wrong way to parse the cursor.getString(0) to Integer? There is no error logged.

DbHelper dbh  = new DbHelper(context);
    Cursor cursor = dbh.getScore(dbh);
    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
        do {
            Log.d("Database", cursor.getString(0) + cursor.getString(1));
            if (Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(0))== 5 && Headline.toString().equals(cursor.getString(1))){

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