lundi 29 février 2016

SQLiteConnection not accepting sting as argument

I am trying to connect to a SQLite .db file by using some examples that I found on the internet:

var m_connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=Tabs.db;version=3;");

However, Visual Studio 2015 won't accept that because it says it doensn't accept just one argument.

SQLiteConnection.SQLiteConnection(SQLite.Net.Interop.ISQLitePlatform, string, bool, SQLite.Net.IBlobSerializer, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary, SQLite.Net.IContractResolver)

is what shows up in the object browser. All of the examples seem straightforward, what am I encountering? I downloaded SQLite.Net-PCL 3.1.1

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