jeudi 26 février 2015

Different sqlite databases for testing and actual use in android app

Disclaimer - I have used GreenDAO ORM for creating and managing the sqlite db from within my android app.

For my android app, while writing unit tests, I wish to tell the app to switch to using a certain db which is different from the normal one in order to make sure that the tests do not contaminate the real db. Correspondingly I have used appropriate functions to create new db and switch to it like this

public class DbTests extends ApplicationTestCase<MyApp> {
private static final String TAG = "DbTests";
private MyApp mApplication;
private Context mContext;

public DbTests() {

protected void setUp() throws Exception {
Log.d(TAG, "in setUp");
mApplication = getApplication();
Log.d(TAG, "setUp done");

public void tearDown() throws Exception {

private void setUpFreshInstallNoDataCase(boolean val) {
LocalDataHelpers.setupLocalData(mApplication, InitialConditions.FreshInstallNoData);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

public void testFreshInstallNoDataCase() {
Log.d(TAG, "testFreshInstallNoDataCase");

mContext = mApplication.getApplicationContext();
assertEquals(0, PersonRepository.getAllPersons(mContext).size());

public class LocalDataHelpers {
public static final String TAG = "LocalDataHelpers";

static MyApp globalApplication;

public static void setupLocalData(MyApp app, String condition) {
globalApplication = app;
if(globalApplication.daoSession != null){
Log.d(TAG, "daoSession not null");

In my application onCreate and setupDatabase are like this

public void onCreate() {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate");
EventBus.getDefault().post(new PersonEvents.FetchPersonsFromServer());

private void setupDatabase(String condition) {
DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper helper = null;
SQLiteDatabase db = null;
DaoMaster daoMaster = null;
if (condition.equals(InitialConditions.DefaultSetUp)) {
helper = new DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper(this, "example-db", null);
db = helper.getWritableDatabase();
daoMaster = new DaoMaster(db);
else if (condition.equals(InitialConditions.FreshInstallNoData)) {
helper = new DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper(this, "freshInstallNoData-db", null);
db = helper.getWritableDatabase();
daoMaster = new DaoMaster(db);
//clear all possible data here by dropping all tables and recreate
Log.d(TAG, "Dropping all tables and recreating them");
DaoMaster.dropAllTables(db, true);
DaoMaster.createAllTables(db, false);
if (helper != null && db != null && daoMaster != null) {
daoSession = daoMaster.newSession();
else {
Log.e(TAG, "setupDatabase Error : condition " + condition + ", either helper or db or daomaster is null");
List<Pair<String, String>> dbs = getDaoSession().getDatabase().getAttachedDbs();
for (Pair<String, String> pair : dbs) {
Log.d(TAG, "setupDatabase <" + pair.first + ", " + pair.second + ">");

The onEvent for FetchPersonsFromServer gets a list of persons and saves them to the db using PersonDao.

Now If I clear all app data from my device and run the test directly, as expected the test passes. However if I run the app normally, and then run tests, the assert statement fails at

assertEquals(0, PersonRepository.getAllPersons(mContext).size());

with the size as that of the default db value.

I am going crazy trying to figure out why. The log statements in setupDatabase show that the correct db name is showing up ie freshdbinstall-db...

Are two dbs not allowed in android? Logically there should be no issues? Is it GreenDao which doesn't allow it? Am I making some basic mistakes...

Please help.

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