samedi 28 février 2015

SQLite AutoIncrement always returns 0

I have a android app who use SQLite and pcl library (with xamarin and c#)

This is my table definition (just the id part)

public class ConsumoMensual
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public int? id {get;set;} //also try with int and int?

I insert data with this code, and returns 1

public void RegistroLlamada(MOD.phoneScrapView v){
ConsumoMensual c = findRegistroMes (v.FechaLlamada);
bool update = true;
if (c == null) {
update = false;//this is because always get 0
c = new ConsumoMensual ();

c.annio = v.FechaLlamada.Year;
c.mes = v.FechaLlamada.Month;
c.minutosMismaCompania += minutosMismaCompania (v);
c.minutosNumerosGratuitos+= ValidoGratuitos (v);
c.minutosOtraCompania+= minutosOtraCompania (v);
lock (locker) {
if (update)
database.Update (c);//crash here (ID is null)
database.Insert (c);//returns 1 here

but when i read it, i got zero in the id

public ConsumoMensual findRegistroMes(DateTime fecha)
lock (locker) {
return (from i in database.Table<ConsumoMensual> ()
where i.mes == fecha.Month && i.annio == fecha.Year
select i).FirstOrDefault ();

this is the interface code

namespace PlanControlDAL
public interface ISQLite
SQLiteConnection GetConnection();

and this is the class who implements the interface public class SQLite_Android : ISQLite { public SQLite_Android () { }

#region ISQLite implementation
public SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection GetConnection ()
var sqliteFilename = "planControl.db3";
string documentsPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath (System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // Documents folder
var path = Path.Combine(documentsPath, sqliteFilename);

// This is where we copy in the prepopulated database
Console.WriteLine (path);
if (!File.Exists(path))
/*var s = Forms.Context.Resources.OpenRawResource(Resource.Raw.totalSQLite); // RESOURCE NAME ###*/

// create a write stream

/*using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (Resource.Raw.totalSQLite)) {

FileStream writeStream = new FileStream (path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
// write to the stream
ReadWriteStream (sr, writeStream);

var plat = new SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinAndroid.SQLitePlatformAndroid();
var conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(plat, path);

// Return the database connection
return conn;

/// <summary>
/// helper method to get the database out of /raw/ and into the user filesystem
/// </summary>
void ReadWriteStream(Stream readStream, Stream writeStream)
int Length = 256;
Byte[] buffer = new Byte[Length];
int bytesRead = readStream.Read(buffer, 0, Length);
// write the required bytes
while (bytesRead > 0)
writeStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
bytesRead = readStream.Read(buffer, 0, Length);

I'm follow the demos to the letter and i keep getting zero (or null depends if int or int?) what's doing wrong?

Ps. I use the 2.5.1 nuget version of pcl & 2.5.1

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