lundi 2 mars 2015

Format autogenerated column in WPF DataGrid

I have some data retrieved from SQLite through an SQLite Adapter that I fill into a DataTable, like this:

using (conexionSQLite = new SQLiteConnection(Datos.stringConexionSQLite))
string textoSQLite;
SQLiteDataAdapter adaptadorSQLite;
textoSQLite = "SELECT Fecha, ROUND(ValorTotal,0) as ValorTotal, ROUND(ValorProductoTerminado,0) as ValorProductoTerminado, ROUND(ValorSemielaborados,0) as ValorSemielaborados, ROUND(ValorMateriasPrimas,0) as ValorMateriasPrimas, ROUND(ValorEnvases,0) as ValorEnvases FROM valorStockPorFecha";
adaptadorSQLite = new SQLiteDataAdapter(textoSQLite, conexionSQLite);
adaptadorSQLite.Fill(bd, "tablaValorStock");
catch (SQLiteException excepcionSQL)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + excepcionSQL.ToString());
DataTable tablaValorStock = bd.Tables["tablaValorStock"];

Then I bind it to a DataGrid:

dataGrid.ItemsSource = tablaValorStock.DefaultView;

That generates all the columns automatically.

What I want is to format some of the columns, without having to define them manually first.

I was thinking some kind of event handling of autogenerating columns, something similar to this code which is for Windows Forms' DataGrid equivalent:

private void RadGridView1_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, GridViewAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
GridViewDataColumn column = e.Column as GridViewDataColumn;
if (column.DataType == typeof(int))
column.DataFormatString = "{0:p}";

I would assing one format or another based on DataGridColumn.Header

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