dimanche 15 mars 2015

selection in a many to many relationship

hey there , i am working on my highschool project i want to run a query for user to search medicines using multiple categories here is the ddl,

Create table medicine (
Name varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
Vendor varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
Quantity int(11) NOT NULL,
type text COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
price int(11) NOT NULL,

create table category(
CatId smallint auto_increment,
Name varchar (20),
primary key(CatID)

create table MedicineCat(
MedId int,
CatId smallint,
foreign key (MedId) references medicine(MedId),
foreign key (CatId) references category(CatId),
primary key(MedId,CatId)


SELECT medicinecat.MedID AS 'MedId', medicine.Name AS 'Name', medicine.price AS 'Price', medicine.Quantity AS 'Quantity'
FROM medicinecat
JOIN medicine ON medicine.MedId = medicinecat.MedId
WHERE CatId in (1,2,3);

what i am getting is all the medicines that has at least one of the category , i know thats because of in clause, what i want is to select medicine that has "all the categories" not one of the category .

thanks in advance

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