mercredi 30 septembre 2015

iOS 9 Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11

I recently upgraded to Xcode 7. And my code that was working fine on 6.3 and iOS 8.4 now will not compile with a segmentation fault.

I am using Stephencelis library of SQLite. It seems to be causing the problem.

I would appreciate any help, any ideas. Below is the last part of the error msg:

  1. While type-checking getter for columnNames at /Users/luben/Downloads/SQLite.swift-master/SQLite/Query.swift:740:22
  2. While type-checking declaration 0x7fbab3ee2d68 at /Users/luben/Downloads/SQLite.swift-master/SQLite/Query.swift:740:51
  3. While type-checking expression at [/Users/luben/Downloads/SQLite.swift-master/SQLite/Query.swift:740:51 - line:774:7] RangeText="{ var (columnNames, idx) = (String: Int, 0) column: for each in self.query.columns ?? [Expression(literal: "*")] { let pair = each.expression.SQL.characters.split { $0 == "." }.map { String($0) } let (tableName, column) = (pair.count > 1 ? pair.first : nil, pair.last!)

        func expandGlob(namespace: Bool) -> Query -> Void {
            return { table in
                var query = Query(table.database, table.tableName.unaliased)
                if let columns = table.columns { query.columns = columns  }
                var names = { quote(identifier: $0) }
                if namespace { names = { "\(table.tableName.SQL).\($0)" } }
                for name in names { columnNames[name] = idx++ }
        if column == "*" {
            let tables = [*)] + { $0.table }
            if let tableName = tableName {
                for table in tables {
                    if table.tableName.SQL == tableName {
                        continue column
                assertionFailure("no such table: \(tableName)")
   > 0))
        columnNames[each.expression.SQL] = idx++
    return columnNames


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