jeudi 29 octobre 2015

Using Sqldiff to patch the diff to Sqlite Database

I am using Sqldiff tool to find the difference in the two databases.

I have an Android client that uses Sqlite database. I want to update the db remotely by supplying a sql patch file. This patch should go irrespective of the client being updated via PlayStore.

I tried using Sqldiff using this option.

sqldiff old.db new.db --primarykey > patch.sql

But the output sql queries are with INSERT queries and UPDATE queries. An accidental patch of two times could make the client crash with UNIQUE CONSTRAINT failed error. And I need to generate diff for each sub version patched.

I need the sqldiff to generate queries that are safe to replace irrespective of multiple patches.

Does sqldiff have this option? or what's the simplest and safest way to achieve this?

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