mardi 17 février 2015

Dynamic SQLite queries

I'm trying to implement dynamic queries in my Android app, to let the users search according to some criteria. In this case I'm trying to search simply by an integer value. Here's my attempt:

public String[][] listarNegocio(int idProyecto,
int minimo,
int maximo)

String[][] arrayDatos = null;

String[] parametros = {String.valueOf(idProyecto)};

Cursor cursor = null;

cursor = querySQL("SELECT *" +
" FROM negocio" +
" WHERE ? in (0, id_proyecto)", parametros);

if(cursor.getCount() > 0)
int i = minimo - 1;
arrayDatos = new String[maximo - minimo + 1][20];

while(cursor.moveToNext() && i < maximo)
// Here I fill the array with data

i = i + 1;


public Cursor querySQL(String sql, String[] selectionArgs)
Cursor oRet = null;
// Opens the database object in "write" mode.
db = oDB.getReadableDatabase();
oRet = db.rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs);


I tested this query using SQLFiddle, and it should return only the rows where the column id_proyecto equals the parameter idProyecto, or every row if idProyecto equals 0. But it doesn't return anything. If I remove the WHERE clause and replace "parametros" with "null", it works fine.

Additionally, I need to search by text values, using LIKE. For example, WHERE col_name LIKE strName + '%' OR strName = ''. How should I format my parameters and the query to make it work?

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