lundi 20 juillet 2015

Deleting row in Android

I have a todo app which shows on the mainscreen a list of tasks with ListView. I'm trying to delete a task by clicking on the done button.

But the app is deleting it by the lowest id instead of deleting the task that i tried to delete.

 public void onDoneButtonClick(View view) {

    ListView listView = (ListView)findViewById(;
    Cursor cursor = (Cursor) listView.getItemAtPosition(position);
    int columnId = cursor.getColumnIndex(BaseColumns._ID);
    int id = cursor.getInt(columnId);
    Log.d("id", Float.toString(id));

   String sql = String.format("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = %d",

    helper = new TaskDBHelper(MainActivity.this);
    SQLiteDatabase sqlDB = helper.getWritableDatabase();

    Log.d("delete", sql);


Can someone help me to solve this?

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