jeudi 3 septembre 2015

C++ wrapper class SQLite advice

I'm learning C++ and have a question about classes and wrappers. I'm writing an application for a raspberry pi. I have a class called SensorClass whose methods read data from various sensors attached to the board.

class SensorClass {
virtual ~SensorClass();                         
int getTemperature();               
int getPressue();

I want to write the data to a local sqlite database when it is read. On the SQLite website there are a number of wrapper classes.

SQLite wrappers

I'm wondering if I should use one of these to for example insert data into the database when it has been read.

I'm thinking then I would be separating the code and just calling for example the SQLite insert method in the getTemperature() function. Would this be a good idea? Which wrapper should I use?

Example SQlite wrapper class

Alternatively I could hard code the database operations in the getTemperature() method like this.

int SensorClass::getTemperature(){

// read temperature 

//insert into database

/* Create SQL statement */
sql = "INSERT INTO DATAPOINTS (Temperature) "  \
     "VALUES (15); " \

/* Execute SQL statement */
rc = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, callback, 0, &zErrMsg);


Thanks for your advice

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