lundi 28 décembre 2015

Dapper and Sqlite: Insert list can't insert AI Primary key

public void InsertRates(IList<ExchangeRatePoco> rates, long exchangeBatchId)
        using (var connection = new SqliteConnection(_configSettings.ConnectionString))
            var rateQuery = $"INSERT INTO exchangerates VALUES (NULL,{exchangeBatchId},@CurrencyId,@Rate,@DateConversion);";
                connection.Execute(rateQuery, rates);
            catch (Exception e)

I'm getting this exception: "{"Must add values for the following parameters: @CurrencyId, @Rate, @DateConversion"}".

I checked and data on rates is valid. Also this very same code (I just didn't include the NULL value for the PK) was working when I used to use Mysql instead of Sqlite.

Exchangerates table consists of 'ExchangeRateId','ExchangeBatchId','CurrencyId','Rate' and 'DateConversion'.

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