dimanche 30 août 2015

Cordova/Ionic pre populated SQLite database issue

So I have a Ionic app I want to deploy with pre populated SQLite database(tried populating it manually, but it's way to slow). So I decided to use the Cordova-sqlite-storage plugin(http://ift.tt/1O3yCJy). I have a dump file witch opens just fine with no errors, but when I try to fetch anything I get no results. Anyways, here's my code:

In app.js:

app.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
    $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
        db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({name: "mydb", createFromLocation: 1});

In controllers.js

.controller("HomeController", function($scope,Test){
    $scope.test = function(){

My db fetching service:

.factory('Test', function($cordovaSQLite){
    var arr = [];
            var query = "SELECT * FROM Alchohol";
            return $cordovaSQLite.execute(db, query, []).then(function(res){
                arr = res.rows;
                return arr;
            }, function(err){

And my dump file goes something like this:

PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;
PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE "Alchohol" (
  "id" int(11) NOT NULL ,
  "intoxication" int(11) NOT NULL,
  "text_id_1" int(11) NOT NULL,
  "text_id_2" int(11) NOT NULL,
  "text_id_3" int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY ("id")
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (1,0,20,21,22);
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (2,1,18,19,22);
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (3,2,23,24,25);
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (4,3,26,24,25);
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (5,4,27,28,25);
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (6,5,29,30,25);
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (7,6,29,31,32);
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (8,7,33,31,34);
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (9,8,35,31,36);
INSERT INTO "Alchohol" VALUES (10,9,33,31,37);

I've tried every possible solution I found online and nothing worked for me. Any help will be greatly appreciated..

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