dimanche 30 août 2015

django.db.utils.OperationalError: parser stack overflow

I have a re-usable django application which should support python2.7, python 3.x and pypy. I developed it in python 2.7 at the beginning and all of my tests are worked very well. I also made them worked in python3.3 too. But I have a problem with python3.4, pypy, pypy3;

django.db.utils.OperationalError: parser stack overflow

My tests run on sqlite3. I check the trace, I just could guess that it is about query size. I couldn't find any solution to solve this problem.

I overrided builtin sqlite3 code in my python3.4 environment to pring which sql, does it raise the error for. It is really big sql. It really doesn't matter, you don't need to check the sql, I just post it in here to show how it is big. This can also be bigger than that. Because queryset is building on runtime in for loop.

By the way, as I told it before, There is no problem with python2.7 and python3.3. Problem raises for others.

Are there any configuration to handle this?

Here is the sql:

SELECT "river_approvement".
"id", "river_approvement".
"content_type_id", "river_approvement".
"object_id", "river_approvement".
"field", "river_approvement".
"meta_id", "river_approvement".
"transactioner_id", "river_approvement".
"transaction_date", "river_approvement".
"status", "river_approvement".
"skip", "river_approvement".
"order", "river_approvement".
FROM "river_approvement"
INNER JOIN "river_approvementmeta"
    "meta_id" = "river_approvementmeta".
    "id") INNER JOIN "river_transition"
    "transition_id" = "river_transition".
    "id") WHERE("river_approvement".
    "field" = ? AND "river_transition".
        FROM "river_state"
        AB0 WHERE AB0.
        IN(SELECT AA2.
            FROM "river_approvement"
            AA0 INNER JOIN "river_approvementmeta"
            AA1 ON(AA0.
                "meta_id" = AA1.
                "id") INNER JOIN "river_transition"
            AA2 ON(AA1.
                "transition_id" = AA2.
                "id") WHERE(AA0.
                "field" = ? AND AA2.
                IN(SELECT Z0.
                    FROM "river_state"
                    Z0 WHERE Z0.
                    IN(SELECT Y2.
                        FROM "river_approvement"
                        Y0 INNER JOIN "river_approvementmeta"
                        Y1 ON(Y0.
                            "meta_id" = Y1.
                            "id") INNER JOIN "river_transition"
                        Y2 ON(Y1.
                            "transition_id" = Y2.
                            "id") WHERE(Y0.
                            "field" = ? AND Y2.
                            IN(SELECT X0.
                                FROM "river_state"
                                X0 WHERE X0.
                                IN(SELECT W2.
                                    FROM "river_approvement"
                                    W0 INNER JOIN "river_approvementmeta"
                                    W1 ON(W0.
                                        "meta_id" = W1.
                                        "id") INNER JOIN "river_transition"
                                    W2 ON(W1.
                                        "transition_id" = W2.
                                        "id") WHERE(W0.
                                        "field" = ? AND W2.
                                        IN(SELECT V0.
                                            FROM "river_state"
                                            V0 WHERE V0.
                                            IN(SELECT U2.
                                                FROM "river_approvement"
                                                U0 INNER JOIN "river_approvementmeta"
                                                U1 ON(U0.
                                                    "meta_id" = U1.
                                                    "id") INNER JOIN "river_transition"
                                                U2 ON(U1.
                                                    "transition_id" = U2.
                                                    "id") WHERE(U0.
                                                    "field" = ? AND U2.
                                                    IN( ? ) AND U0.
                                                    "object_id" = ? AND U0.
                                                    "content_type_id" = ? ))) AND W0.
                                        "object_id" = ? AND W0.
                                        "content_type_id" = ? ))) AND Y0.
                            "object_id" = ? AND Y0.
                            "content_type_id" = ? ))) AND AA0.
                "object_id" = ? AND AA0.
                "content_type_id" = ? ))) AND "river_approvement".
    "object_id" = ? AND "river_approvement".
    "content_type_id" = ? )

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