samedi 29 août 2015

execute multiple query in sqlite database and android application

I use this code in onCreate method for create database manualy.But only first line (CREATE TABLE if not exists [tbl_collection]) executed.I execute all query in sqlite expert program and No problem.Please help

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE  if not exists [tbl_collection] (  [id]    integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, [name_collection]   nvarchar(256) NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE);");
    db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER if not exists [fkd_tbl_Subject_id_collection_tbl_collection_id] Before Delete ON [tbl_collection] BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'delete on table tbl_collection violates foreign key constraint fkd_tbl_Subject_id_collection_tbl_collection_id') WHERE (SELECT id_collection FROM tbl_Subject WHERE id_collection = IS NOT NULL;  END;");
    db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE   if not exists [tbl_Subject] (    [id]    integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, [id_collection] integer NOT NULL,   [name_subject]  nvarchar(256) NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE,    FOREIGN KEY ([id_collection])        REFERENCES [tbl_collection]([id]));");
    db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER if not exists [fki_tbl_Subject_id_collection_tbl_collection_id] Before Insert ON [tbl_Subject] BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'insert on table tbl_Subject violates foreign key constraint fki_tbl_Subject_id_collection_tbl_collection_id') WHERE (SELECT id FROM tbl_collection WHERE id = NEW.id_collection) IS NULL;  END;");
    db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER if not exists [fku_tbl_Subject_id_collection_tbl_collection_id] Before Update ON [tbl_Subject] BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'update on table tbl_Subject violates foreign key constraint fku_tbl_Subject_id_collection_tbl_collection_id') WHERE (SELECT id FROM tbl_collection WHERE id = NEW.id_collection) IS NULL;  END;");
    db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER if not exists [fkd_tbl_Subject_Property_id_subject_tbl_Subject_id] Before Delete ON [tbl_Subject] BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'delete on table tbl_Subject violates foreign key constraint fkd_tbl_Subject_Property_id_subject_tbl_Subject_id') WHERE (SELECT id_subject FROM tbl_Subject_Property WHERE id_subject = IS NOT NULL;  END;");
    db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE   if not exists [tbl_Subject_Property] (   [id]    integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, [id_subject]    integer NOT NULL,   [text]  nvarchar(512) COLLATE NOCASE,   [picture]   nvarchar(512) COLLATE NOCASE,   [voice] nvarchar(512) COLLATE NOCASE,   [video] nvarchar(512) COLLATE NOCASE,    FOREIGN KEY ([id_subject])        REFERENCES [tbl_Subject]([id]));");
    db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER if not exists [fki_tbl_Subject_Property_id_subject_tbl_Subject_id] Before Insert ON [tbl_Subject_Property] BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'insert on table tbl_Subject_Property violates foreign key constraint fki_tbl_Subject_Property_id_subject_tbl_Subject_id') WHERE (SELECT id FROM tbl_Subject WHERE id = NEW.id_subject) IS NULL;  END;");
    db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER if not exists [fku_tbl_Subject_Property_id_subject_tbl_Subject_id] Before Update ON [tbl_Subject_Property] BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'update on table tbl_Subject_Property violates foreign key constraint fku_tbl_Subject_Property_id_subject_tbl_Subject_id') WHERE (SELECT id FROM tbl_Subject WHERE id = NEW.id_subject) IS NULL;  END;");


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