mercredi 2 mars 2016

Create list with random input for SQL multiple line input

I want to learn Python and SQLite by programming a game (text based). I would like to insert data into a SQLite DB. I created a tabel for players

c.execute('''CREATE TABLE player(ID_Player INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Age INT, Name VARCHAR, Position VARCHAR, Skill INT, Value INT)''')

Now I would like to insert n entries for this table. And for each column, I would like to apply a function that determines what should be entered.

  • for age: randint(18,33))
  • for Name: names.get_full_name(gender='male')
  • for Position: random.choice(positions)
  • for Skill: randint(50,100)
  • for Value: randint(500000,5000000)

If I manually create the lists, which looks like this

multi_lines =[ (25,'Playern Name1','TW',95,45000000),
               (26,'Playern Name2','ST',75,3500000),
               (32,'Playern Name3','IV',85,25000000),]

than I can execute them and they are inserted to my DB with the function c.executemany('INSERT INTO player(age, name, position, skill, value) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', multi_lines) I tried to determine the inputs om c.executemany but this did not work.

c.executemany('INSERT INTO player(Age, Name, Position, Skill, Value)  VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)',\
               (randint(18,33),names.get_full_name(gender='male'),random.choice(positions),randint(50,100), randint(500000,50000000) ))

Next, I tried to make many lists and put them into an empty list:

lst = []
positions = ['TW', 'IV', 'MF', 'ST']

for i in range(2):

print  lst

the output of this was [19, u'Ricardo Moore', 'ST', 68, 3298618, 26, u'Carl Cole', 'ST', 92, 3380302], however, I would like to create outputs like in multi_lines. What could be a logical way to do this? Or more specifically, how can I create a list which is in another list ?

main_list = [

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