So I searched and couldn't find any answer on this so far. I have a database where when I've put in:
SELECT event_name, team_number
FROM teams_by_event
WHERE team_number IN (SELECT team_number
FROM teams_by_event
WHERE event_name = '[user inputs event name]'
) ORDER BY team_number;
It gives me exactly what I'm looking for in return. My problem is that I can't think of a way to do this in Django views, and what I've tried, just using the raw SQL in Django is not working either, I get a syntax error saying the last parenthesis on the SQL query is invalid.
def teams_by_event(request, shorthand):
code = TeamsByEvent.objects.filter(shorthand=shorthand)
for event in TeamsByEvent.objects.raw('SELECT event_name, team_number \
FROM teams_by_event \
WHERE team_number IN \
(SELECT team_number \
FROM teams_by_event) \
WHERE shorthand= % s', [code])
print (event.team_number, event.event_name)
return render(request, 'event-info.html', {'info': info})
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