mardi 1 mars 2016

The cordova sqlite plugins works in debug mode with Visual Studio, fails disconnected?

I'm trying to create a windows hybrid app, with offline functionality.

I was able to attain the Sqlite Database using following Plugins -

But they work fine untill I'm debugging the app using Visual Studio, but as I try to make it work completely disconnected, everything fails.

I have no idea, how to debug this as it needs to work in offline also.

I'm posting the service I created for Database operations.

app.service( 'StorageService', function( $rootScope, $q, $injector, INDEX_KEYS, localStorageService, logicModel, HttpPostService ){
    document.addEventListener( 'deviceready', init, false);
    var db;
    function init(){
        //db = openDatabase({ name: "bizom.db", location: 1 }, successcb, errorcb);
        db = openDatabase("Bizom", "", "Bizom", 100, function () {
            console.log('db successfully opened or created');
        db.transaction(function(tx) {
            var queryCreateQueue = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS queue ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url TEXT, sequence INTEGER, postdata TEXT, contentype TEXT, postType INTEGER, transactionId TEXT )';
            // postType: 1 - postRequest, 2 - postRequestFORMDATA, 3 - sendMultipartFormdata
            var queryCreateStorage = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS storage ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, indexKey TEXT, data TEXT, type TEXT, UNIQUE( indexKey ) ON CONFLICT REPLACE )'; 
            var queryDropQueue = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS queue';
            var queryDropStorage = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS storage';
            tx.executeSql( queryDropStorage, [], successcb, errorcb );
            tx.executeSql(queryCreateStorage, [], function (tx, res) {
                angular.forEach( INDEX_KEYS, function( value ){
                    var saveArr = [ value, '', '' ];
                    var query = "INSERT INTO storage ( indexKey, data, type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )";
                    insert( query, saveArr ); 
            }, errorcb); 
            tx.executeSql( queryDropQueue, [], successcb, errorcb );
            tx.executeSql( queryCreateQueue, [], successcb, errorcb );
        }, function( error ){
            console.log( error.message );

        function successcb( tx, res ){
            console.log( res);
        function errorcb( err ){
            console.log("Error processing SQL: "+err.message );

    function insert( query, saveArr ){
        // db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase("Bizom", "1.0", "Demo", -1);
        db.transaction(function(tx) {
            tx.executeSql( query, saveArr, function( tx, res ){
                console.log( res );
            }, function( err ){
                console.log("Error processing SQL: "+err.message );
        }, function( err ){
            console.log("Error processing SQL: "+err.message );

    function runquery( query ){
        var deffered = $q.defer();
        function querySuccess( tx, result ){
            var tempData = [];
            var len = result.rows.length;
            for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
                tempData.push( result.rows.item(i) );
            deffered.resolve( tempData );

        db.transaction(function(tx) {
            tx.executeSql( query, [], querySuccess, function( err ){
                console.log("Error processing SQL: "+err.message );
        }, function( err ){
            console.log("Error processing SQL: "+err.message );

        return deffered.promise;

    function isIntFloat(n){
        if( Number(n) === n && n % 1 === 0 ){
            return 'int';
        } else {
            return 'float';

    function deleteFromQueue( transactionId ){
        var query = "DELETE FROM queue WHERE transactionId = '"+transactionId+"'";
        runquery( query );
    var storageFunctions =  {
        set : function( key, data ){
            var saveData = null;
            var type = '';
            if( typeof data == 'object' ){
                saveData = JSON.stringify( data );
                type = 'object';
            } else if( typeof data == 'number' ){
                saveData = '' + data;
                type = isIntFloat( data );
            } else {
                saveData = data;
                type = 'string';
            // var saveArr = [ key, saveData, type ];
            var query = "UPDATE storage SET data = '" + saveData + "',type = '" + type +"' where indexKey = '" + key + "'";
            var result = insert( query, [] );
            return result;
        get : function( keys ){
            var deffered = $q.defer();
            var result = {};
            var condition = '';
            if( typeof keys == 'object' ){
                angular.forEach( keys, function( key ){
                    condition += "'"+key+"',";
                condition = condition.slice(0, -1);
            //var query = 'SELECT * FROM storage';
            var query = "SELECT * FROM storage WHERE indexKey IN (" + condition + ")";
            runquery( query, [] ).then(function( temp ){
                var len = temp.length;
                for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
                    var key = temp[i].indexKey;
                    if( temp[i].type == 'object' ){
                        result[ key ] = JSON.parse( temp[i].data );
                    } else if( temp[i].type == 'int' ){
                        result[ key ] = parseInt( temp[i].data );
                    } else if( temp[i].type == 'float' ){
                        result[ key ] = parseFloat( temp[i].data );
                    } else {
                        result[ key ] = temp[i].data;
                deffered.resolve( result );
            }, function( error ){
                console.log( query );
                console.log( error );
            return deffered.promise;
        backgroundPostStep : function(){
            var AuthData = localStorageService.get('AuthData');
            var query = "SELECT * FROM queue";
            runquery( query ).then(function( data ){
                angular.forEach( data, function( value, key ){
                    var postData = JSON.parse( value.postdata );
                    var postType = value.postType;
                    var url = value.url;
                    var contentype = value.contentype;
                    var transactionId = value.transactionId;
                    if( postType == 1 ){
                        HttpPostService.postRequest( url, postData, contentype ).then(function( response ){
                            if( response.Result == 'true' ){
                                deleteFromQueue( transactionId );   
                            } else {
                                console.log('Failed To Submit Data!');
                        }, function(){
                            console.log('Failed To Submit Data!');
                    } else if ( postType == 2 ){
                        HttpPostService.postRequestFORMDATA( url, postData, contentype ).then(function( response ){
                            if( response.Result == 'true' ){
                                deleteFromQueue( transactionId );   
                            } else {
                                console.log('Failed To Submit Data!');
                        }, function(){
                            console.log('Failed To Submit Data!');
                    } else {
                        var formData = new FormData();
                        angular.forEach( postData, function( val, key){
                            if( typeof val == 'object' && 'blob' in val && 'imageName' in val ){
                                formData.append( key, val.blob, val.imageName );
                            } else {
                                formData.append( key, val );
                        HttpPostService.sendMultipartFormdata( formData, url ).then(function( response ){
                            if( response.Result == 'true' ){
                                deleteFromQueue( transactionId );   
                            } else {
                                console.log('Failed To Submit Data!');
                        }, function(){
                            console.log('Failed To Submit Data!');
        savePostData : function( url, postdata, contentType, postType, transactionId ){
            var deffered = $q.defer();
            var lastSequence = localStorageService.get('lastSequence');
            var sequence = 1;
            transactionId = ''+transactionId;
            if( lastSequence != null ){
                sequence = parseInt( lastSequence ) + 1;
            var data = JSON.stringify( postdata );
            var saveArr = [ url, sequence, data, contentType, postType, transactionId ];
            var query = "INSERT INTO queue ( url, sequence, postdata, contentype, postType, transactionId ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )";
            insert( query, saveArr );
            return deffered.promise;
        updatePostData : function(  response, transactionId, updateKey ){
            var query = "SELECT * FROM queue WHERE transactionId = '"+transactionId+"'";
            runquery( query ).then(function( data ){
                if( typeof data == 'object' && data[0].postdata != null ){
                    var func = logicModel[updateKey];
                    var tmpData = JSON.parse( data[0].postdata );
                    tmpData = func(tmpData, response);console.log(tmpData);
                    tmpData = JSON.stringify( tmpData );
                    var query = "UPDATE queue SET postdata = '" + tmpData + "' where transactionId = '" + transactionId + "'";
                    var result = insert( query, [] );
            }, function( error ){
                console.log( error );
        clearAll : function(){
            runquery('DELETE FROM queue');  
            insert("UPDATE storage SET data = '',type = ''");   
    return storageFunctions;

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