mardi 3 mai 2016

rails getting count of rows per user per date in activerecord sqlite

I'm starting out with an Activities table that looks like the one below and I'd like to get a count for activities per user per month. The issue is right now, there are multiple rows per day for each user. I need to count only one row per day for each user.


Activity_id  |   user_id |  activity_type |  created_at

1                  1          time_trial        2016-04-30
2                  1          time_trial        2016-04-30
3                  1          time_trial        2016-04-31
4                  3          time_trial        2016-04-31
5                  3          time_trial        2016-04-31
6                  1          time_trial        2016-04-32

I figure the resulting table should something like

user_id  |   activities per month

1                  3
3                  1

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