mardi 3 mai 2016

Writing JSON to SQLite

I'm trying to save a JSON file to a database. I have very little experience but after doing a little searching, I found this code

import json
import sqlite3

JSON_FILE = "some.json"
DB_FILE = "some.db"

traffic = json.load(open(JSON_FILE))
conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE)

foo = traffic[0]["foo"]
bar = traffic[0]["bar"]

data = [foo, bar]

c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('create table table_name (foo, bar)')
c.execute('insert into table_name values (?,?)', data)


However, I'm thrown an error KeyError: 0.

The JSON that I'm testing with is

         "name":"Level 1",
               "name":"Level 2",
                     "name":"Level 3",
                           "name":"Level 4",
         "name":"Level 1",
               "name":"Level 2",
                     "name":"Level 3",
                           "name":"Level 4",
         "name":"Level 1",
               "name":"Level 2",
                     "name":"Level 3",
                           "name":"Level 4",

How exactly would I write this JSON, or a similar one, to a database?

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