jeudi 30 avril 2015

Android Database Writing error

So i got an app that as an internal database, and the app crashes with this error :

04-30 20:46:30.836    1647-1647/prosis.guiatour E/SQLiteLog﹕ (1) no such column: Basílica_Santa_Luzia

and the code that this is refering to is :

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    Log.e("Database Operations"," Table Created....");
    db.execSQL(addingInfo("Basílica_Santa_Luzia", "Stuff", "10.43597", "-10.5747"));
Log.e("Database Operations"," Data Inserted");
public String addingInfo(String nome, String cat, String lat, String longi){
    String Querry = "INSERT INTO "+ Table_name+" VALUES("+nome+","+cat+","+lat+","+longi+");";
    return Querry;

And this is my contructer querry :

private static final String CREATE_QUERRY = "CREATE TABLE "+ Contract.NewLocalInfo.Table_name+" ("+ Contract.NewLocalInfo.Nome+" TEXT,"+ Contract.NewLocalInfo.Categoria+" TEXT,"+ Contract.NewLocalInfo.Latitude+" TEXT,"+ Contract.NewLocalInfo.Longitude+" TEXT);";

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