mardi 28 avril 2015

SQLite get id and insert when using executemany

I am optimising my code, and reducing the amount of queries. These used to be in a loop but I am trying to restructure my code to be done like this. How do I get the second query working so that it uses the id entered in the first query from each row. Assume that the datasets are in the right order too.

self.c.executemany("INSERT INTO nodes (node_value, node_group) values (?, (SELECT node_group FROM nodes WHERE node_id = ?)+1)", new_values)
#my problem is here
new_id = self.c.lastrowid
connection_values.append((node_id, new_id))
#insert entry
self.c.executemany("INSERT INTO connections (parent, child, strength) VALUES (?,?,1)", connection_values)

These queries used to be a for loop but were taking too long so I am trying to avoid using a for loop and doing the query individually. I believe their might be a way with combining it into one query but I am unsure how this would be done.

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