mercredi 29 avril 2015

Remote sqlite queries from app

I'm working on an iOS/Android app that uses a sqlite database with sensitive data. I've post this question here in Stackoverflow (Most secure strategy for mobile database) to know that my best option is to have the database in a server, access it with a backend and never download it to the apps.

My problem is that I have to make a process with some input and this database and I'm not sure if it's possible with this design.

The process is the following:

  1. I start with my original database.
  2. The user enters some inputs.
  3. I create a new table called A (a bit large) in the database. Its content depend on the input entered.
  4. I create a new table called B mixing (with some queries, of course) the data from my original database and the table A. This table is my final table and it doesn't contain sensitive data so it's ok for me to have it in my app.

Taking this process into account, if my original database is in a server, and my new table A is in my app, is there any way to perform step 4 without having to download my original database?

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