lundi 3 août 2015

Android Sqlite Query union all

Below is my code for the query where I am currently passing the ids of only 8 products which exists in the DB table of 100 records.

String query = "SELECT productId IN (" + makePlaceholders(ids.length)+"),"+ " * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE type LIKE 'percent'"
                            + " UNION ALL "
                            + "SELECT productId IN (" + makePlaceholders(ids.length)+"),"+ " * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE type LIKE 'currency' ORDER BY cash DESC";
                    cursor = dataBase.rawQuery(query, ids);

My problem is, it showing all the records (that is all 100 records) instead of only those 8 I am passing from ID using the IN clause. I want these 8 records (or more passed in the function) to be shown ORDER by cash.

Now how should I write this query to achieve my goal.

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