dimanche 6 décembre 2015

reading two tables from same database

hy.. just want to ask about this code:

    public Cursor getAll (){
        return(getReadableDatabase().rawQuery("SELECT _id, kata_indo, kata_tora from translate ORDER BY _id ASC",null));


    public void insertKey(String indo, String tora){
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        cv.put("kata_indo", indo);
        cv.put("kata_tora", tora);
        getWritableDatabase().insert("translate","kata_indo", cv);

    public void delete(long id){
        getWritableDatabase().delete("translate", KEY_ROWID + "=" + id, null);

i want to getWritableDatabase from two tables, from table 'translate' and 'translate2', i try to do it but i haven't got the solution. please help what to add to this code.

thanks in advance

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