vendredi 29 janvier 2016

SQLite Preloaded Database

I have been following a tutorial on how to copy a preloaded SQLite database into my android app, however it never does.

I have been through the debugger and when it gets passed

 OutputStream myOutput = new FileOutputStream(outFileName);

it just stops it doesn't go to the next line.


    InputStream myInput = myContext.getAssets().open(DB_NAME);
    String outFileName = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
    OutputStream myOutput = new FileOutputStream(outFileName);

    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int length;
    while ((length =>0){
        myOutput.write(buffer, 0, length);



    private static String DB_PATH = "/data/data/Application/databases/";
private SQLiteDatabase database;
private final Context myContext;
private static  String DB_NAME = "quizDB.db",

I have used the correct path and the correct name of my .db file

Anyone know why and how to fix it?

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