vendredi 29 janvier 2016

struct Time property doesn't load from Go sqlx library

I have a struct with a property time:

`type Basket struct {
Created_at time.Time -db:"created_at"-// - is in fact single quote

with the time saved as:
basket.Created_at = time.Now().UTC()
If I save it using Insert sql statement, it saves the time nicely in the SQLite3 but when I select the desired record using:
ret_basket := Basket{} err := database.DB.Get(&ret_basket, "SELECT id, ..., created_at FROM baskets WHERE user_id = ?", some_user_id)

It returns the record with other properties loaded properly except the time property which is ret_basket.Created_at as 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Any suggestions?

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