lundi 29 décembre 2014

Cannot insert row to sqlite database python

The major problem I have is that the "SELECT COUNT(*)" statement is always wrong (the total number of rows is always "2"), and so I can't insert a new row to the database.

I tried using "con.commit()", from what I read in other questions, but it still doesn't work. And if I change the "filename", it would just replace the previous written row. I specified columns to be unique and added a primary key. Still no new record.

from time import ctime
import sqlite3

def Main():
con = sqlite3.connect('textdb.db')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.executescript("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS file_info;
CREATE TABLE file_info(file_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, file_name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, file_content TEXT, date_created TEXT NOT NULL, date_updated TEXT NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO file_info VALUES(1, 'first', 'This is just an example.', 'Mon Dec 29 15:35:36 2014', 'Mon Dec 29 15:35:36 2014');
INSERT INTO file_info VALUES(2, 'another', 'Another example.', 'Mon Dec 29 15:59:49 2014', 'Mon Dec 29 16:00:23 2014');""")

myrows = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM file_info")

for row in myrows:
cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM file_info")
count_row = cur.fetchone()
cntdata = count_row[0]
print (cntdata)

filename = 'example'

t = 'Yes, it works!'

curtime = str(ctime())

inc = (cntdata + 1)

cur.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO file_info VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (inc, filename, t, curtime, curtime,))

except sqlite3.Error:
if con:

if con:

if name == 'main': Main()

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