lundi 29 décembre 2014

use SQLite in windows CE wrote by C#

I made an app for my PDA and use SQLite as database. I did it as below:

  1. Added System.Data.SQLite.dll to my REFERENCE

  2. Added SQLite.Interop.066.DLL , SQLite.Interop.066.exp , SQLite.Interop.066.lib to solution

  3. Called ref with using System.Data.SQLite;

and my connection string and command string is:

SQLiteConnection con = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=BSTDB.sqlite;Version=3");
string sqlwrite = "INSERT INTO RR (Serial) VALUES('"+cBox1.Text+"')";
SQLiteCommand cmdwrite = new SQLiteCommand(sqlwrite, con);

But when I start program, this error occurs:

SQLite error no such table:

Can anyone guide me what is my problem?

Meanwhile, this app is working correct on Windows 7 now.

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