lundi 29 décembre 2014

Dagger and SQLiteAssetHelper

Trying to use dagger to create a single instance of my database helper so I can access it easier from the various fragments in my app. Everytime I launch the app though it closes with the following error:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Errors creating object graph:
android.content.Context has no injectable members. Do you want to add an injectable constructor? required by class com.dring.smartcut.Modules.myModule

Here is my Module:

complete = false,
injects = {
public class myModule {

private Context appContext;

public myModule(Context context) {
this.appContext = context;

@Provides @Singleton Bus provideBus(){
return new Bus();

@Provides @Singleton
RecipeReaderHelper provideRecipeReaderHelper(Context context){
return new RecipeReaderHelper(context);

And the ObjectGraph Creation:

objectGraph = ObjectGraph.create(new myModule(this));

Any Help would be appreciated

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