lundi 29 décembre 2014

getting the rowId of an item in the listView from sqlite database

hope you could help me with this problem. i want to get the rowId of a selected item in a listview from sqlite so that i can pass the value to another activity.

i already fed the listview with info from my sqlite table and use onClickedItem in the listview and use pos + 1 to get the id, but i dont want this solution because whenever i delete an item from the listview i wont be able to get the correct rowId from the database itself... this is my code :

in my DBhelper:

public List<String> getSYAList() {
List<String> List = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
// Select All Query
String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_SYA ;
Cursor c = ourDatabase.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);

// looping through all rows and adding to list
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
do {
List.add((c.getString(0)) + " " +(c.getString(1)) + " "+ (c.getString(2)));

} while (c.moveToNext());
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(ourContext, "Error encountered.",
return List;

in my activity:

private void loadSYA() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub

final DBhelper entry = new DBhelper(this);;

final List<String> sya = entry.getSYAList();
if(sya.size()>0) // check if list contains items.

ArrayAdapter<String> arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(SYA.this,android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, sya);

sqlSYA.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
int position, long id) {

Intent i = new Intent(SYA.this,SYAInfo.class);
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putInt("id", (int)position + 1);

}); }
Toast.makeText(SYA.this,"No items to display",1000).show();



i really hope you anyone could help me to find a solution for this one. thanks in advance guys !!!

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