samedi 31 janvier 2015

AutoCompleteView load data from database

In my android application I have a database of around 1000 rows of data in one table. I have an auto complete text view when user enters a key it hast to drop-down appropriate item from the db table how can I do this.

database fetching code

public Map<String, String> getSimilarStems(String stem) {
Map<String, String> results = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

Cursor res = db.rawQuery("SELECT word, _id FROM words_en WHERE stems LIKE '%"+stem+" %' OR stems LIKE '"+stem+"' ORDER BY LENGTH(word) LIMIT 10", null);

while(res.moveToNext()) {
String id = res.getString(res.getColumnIndex("_id"));
String word = res.getString(res.getColumnIndex("word"));
results.put(id, word);
return results;

please anyone help me to bind the data from the database with the AutoCompleteView

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