I have a Table Notes (_Id, Title, Body, Category)
and a Table Categories (_Id, Name)
, referencing Category to Categories._Id.
Whit this method I create a Note in my SQLite Database.
* Create a new note using the title and body provided, and associated to
* the category with row id provided. If the note is successfully created
* return the new rowId for that note, otherwise return a -1 to indicate failure.
* @param title the title of the note
* @param body the body of the note
* @param category the category associated to the note
* @return rowId or -1 if failed
public long createNote(String title, String body, String category) {
if (title == null || title.equals("") || body == null) {
return -1;
else {
ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();
initialValues.put(NOTE_KEY_TITLE, title);
initialValues.put(NOTE_KEY_BODY, body);
// If it has associated a category
if (!category.equals("No Category")) {
Cursor idCategory = fetchCategory(category);
long catId = idCategory.getLong(idCategory.getColumnIndex("_id"));
initialValues.put(NOTE_KEY_CAT, catId);
// Else, it has no category
} else {
initialValues.put(NOTE_KEY_CAT, (Byte) null);
return mDb.insert(DATABASE_NOTE_TABLE, null, initialValues);
And whit this another I get all the notes of my database.
* Return a Cursor over the list of all notes in the database
* @param mode - if TITLE, it returns the list ordered by the title of the notes.
* - if CATEGORY, it returns the list ordered by the category of the notes.
* - it returns null in another case.
* @param category - category of the notes to return (No Category if none)
* @return Cursor over all notes
public Cursor fetchAllNotes(String mode, String category) {
//// Order
String order;
// Mode is Title
if (mode.equals("TITLE")) {
// Mode is Categories
} else if (mode.equals("CATEGORY")) {
order = CAT_KEY_NAME;
// A forbidden mode
} else {
return null;
// No category filter if it is No Category
String cat;
if (category.equals("No Category")) {
cat = "";
} else {
cat = " WHERE " + CAT_KEY_NAME + "='" + category + "'";
} // Left outer because there are notes without category
" C ON " + NOTE_KEY_CAT + "=C." + CAT_KEY_ROWID + cat + " ORDER BY " + order;
return mDb.rawQuery(query, null);
When I insert a new Note, createNote()
returns me the correct rowId. When I realize a fetchAllNotes()
operation, two things happens: when a Note has a category, it returns the correct note with its proper attributes. When another Note has not Category (value No Category
), the note with the desired attributes is returned, but not its identifier (a 0 value is returned as _id).
Any idea of what is happening?
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