dimanche 28 décembre 2014

SQL CE instead of express

When creating new MVC application in VS2010 you get Account (Simple Membership Database) database in SQL Express format.

Since I have problems with database migration/ configuration on my remote host I decided to switch to SQL CE.

Question: how can I migrate from SQL Express to CE? Tried to re-create tables from express to CE but my approach to create names starting with 'dbo.' i.e. failed (used CompactView software)

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[webpages_UsersInRoles](
[UserId] [int] NOT NULL,
[RoleId] [int] NOT NULL);

so I created tables without 'dbo.' and it does not work.

Question: What is the best approach to migrate Simple Membershi Database from Express to CE?

Question2: Is migration from Express to SQLite easy?

Thank you!

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