vendredi 2 janvier 2015

Android SQLite: CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException when retrieving a row from a table?

I keep getting android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 requested, with a size of 1 exception when trying to get a single row from a Sqlite table using a ID value.

Why do you think this happens? What is wrong with my code?

public Product getProduct(DBOps dop, String productId) {

Product p = new Product();
String sqlQuery = "SELECT " + TableInfo.PID + " FROM "
+ TableInfo.TABLE_NAME +" WHERE pid="+"'"+productId+"'";
SQLiteDatabase SQ = dop.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor CR = SQ.rawQuery(sqlQuery, null);

if(CR.getCount() > 0)
while (!CR.isAfterLast()) {
p.PID = CR.getString(0);
p.NAME = CR.getString(1);
p.SIZE = CR.getString(2);
p.COLORS = CR.getString(3);
p.DESC = CR.getString(4);
p.PRICE= CR.getString(5);
p.OUTLETS = CR.getString(6);
p.FABRIC = CR.getString(7);
p.QUANTITY = CR.getString(8);
p.CATEGORY = CR.getString(9);
p.RATING = CR.getString(10);

catch(Exception ex)
Log.e("DBOps Error", "Look at DBOps Class's getProduct Method");
Log.e("DBOps Error", ex.toString());
return p;

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